Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Remove A Heavy Tv Mounted On The Ceiling

A tube-based television mounted to the ceiling is totally outdated. A flat panel TV is not only lighter, but provides a better picture with more sophisticated levels of control over the image. To replace the tube-based television with a flat-panel, first remove the tube-based television from the ceiling. You will need to rent a specialized ladder, gather a few standard tools you likely already have and turn off the electric line supplying power to the tube-based television.


1. Go to the fuse box and remove the fuse or trip the circuit breaker that supplies power to the ceiling-mounted TV. The fuse box is typically in a basement or closet and the areas of the house the fuse/circuit breaker affects are written on the inside of the box's cover or beneath the fuses/circuit breakers.

2. Place the ladder beneath the television. Raise the sides of the ladder until the horizontal platform at the ladder's top is touching the bottom of the television.

3. Remove the screws from the brackets attached to the back of the television with a power screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver.

4. Remove the screws from around the cover plate with the screwdriver. Loosen the screws on the electrical junction box that is inside the cutout that the cover plate hid. Unwind the wires connected to the television's power cord from around the screws with your fingers. Pull the wires out of the cutout.

5. Remove the plug at the end of the video cable from the video connection on the back panel of the television.

6. Lower the sides of the ladder to bring the television down to the floor. Pick up one side of the television yourself while an assistant picks up the other side. Lift the television off the ladder and onto the floor.

Tags: tube-based television, circuit breaker, cover plate, from around, Remove screws, Remove screws from