Monday, August 17, 2009

Clean Outside Copper Light Fixtures

Outdoor copper may tarnish over time.

Outdoor copper fixtures are constantly exposed to the elements. Oxygen and water will tarnish the copper surface, making it appear green or dull in color. This oxidization of the metal is called tarnish. Regular removal of the tarnish is required if you wish the copper fixture to shine. Copper can be cleaned with a simple paste made of household items. The cleaning solution is safe for you and the environment, giving you a guilt-free shine.


1. Turn off the electricity to the outdoor fixture at the circuit breaker.

2. Mix equal parts flour, salt and vinegar in a bowl until you have a thick paste.

3. Dip an old rag into the paste.

4. Rub the paste onto the surface of the copper. Tarnish will come off immediately. Wipe the fixture with a clean rag to remove the paste. Apply the paste again if there is another layer of tarnish to remove.

Tags: Outdoor copper