Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rewire A Ceiling Fan For A Three Wire Light Switch

Adding a switch to a ceiling fan circuit makes operating it simple.

Adding a switch to control a ceiling fan makes the fan that much more convenient. Inserting the switch into the circuit is simple and requires running two-wire electrical cable from the fan to the switch, attaching the switch to the power supply and then the switch wires to the fan. The wiring configuration is no different if the fan also has a light kit attached.


1. Make the cuts for the wall switch. Use the switch box as a template for the size of the cut. Above the switch hole, where the ceiling and wall meet, make a small hole for threading the cable across the ceiling.

2. Turn off the current to the circuit by tripping the breaker in the service panel.

3. Remove the fan from its junction box, disconnecting the fan from the power supply wires. If the fan also has a light kit, there will be two hot wires connected to the house power supply.

4. Run the cable through the wall/ceiling hole using electrician's fish tape. Thread this rigid tape across the ceiling to the fan hole. Attach two-wire cable to the tape and pull it back toward the wall hole. Drop the wire down to the switch hole, leaving 6 inches exposed on both ends.

5. Mark the white wire from the switch to indicate that it is "hot" and carrying electrical current by wrapping a piece of electrical tape around each end.

6. Attach the white marked wire to the switch's common terminal. (It is labeled as such.) Attach the black wire to one of the remaining terminals.

7. Attach the black wires at the fan junction box together, linking the power supply and the light switch. Attach the marked white wire to the hot wire (or wires if a light kit is present) on the fan. Attach the remaining white wires together and ground the circuit to the junction box by connecting all ground wires together and attaching them to the box.

8. Reattach the fan to the junction box and attach the switch to its box. Turn on the power to the fan at the service panel. Repair the ceiling/wall hole with the drywall kit.

Tags: power supply, across ceiling, Adding switch, also light, Attach black, ceiling hole