Thursday, September 8, 2011

Install An Acoustic Popcorn Ceiling

Replacing old acoustic popcorn ceilings or installing them in new construction is a messy job but adds the final touch to a room. Knowing mix and spray the acoustic popcorn ceiling is easy as long as you have the right tools and know use them.


1. Fill any cracks, dents or imperfections in the ceiling with wall spackle. Apply a coat of primer and let it dry for at least four hours before beginning the application of the acoustic popcorn ceiling.

2. Let out the painter's tarps on the floor and hang them on the walls to prevent splatter. Attach the with painters tape and ensure there are no opening for the spray to get into.

3. Put on the painting suit, head cover and goggles to protect you from the messy spray. Wear a mask over nose and mouth and tape sleeves and pants to keep the spray from entering.

4. Mix the texture in a large bucket with a mixing bit attached to a power drill. Continue mixing until the texture has a thick oatmeal consistency. Keep the bucket covered with a damp cloth to keep it from drying out during application.

5. Load the hopper with texture and start the compressor. Practice applying the texture on a large piece of cardboard until you get the desired look.

6. Spray the texture onto the ceiling in long strokes that lightly cover the area. Continue strokes onto the covered wall to help maintain an even, consistent application.

7. Use several light coats until the ceiling is uniform. Using fewer, heavier coats causes the texture to drip and fall from the ceiling.

Tags: acoustic popcorn, acoustic popcorn ceiling, popcorn ceiling, texture large