Friday, January 13, 2012

Craft Projects Using Vintage Metal Ceiling Tiles

Metal ceiling tiles lend themselves to various art projects.

Creating craft projects using vintage materials adds a dimension of history and character to a piece of art and to the space where it's used. You can decorate with vintage ceiling tiles even if your furniture is contemporary or retro-modern. Incorporate hints of vintage into a modern design style to add to your space’s layered beauty.

Light Fixtures

Turn metal ceiling tiles into hanging light fixtures. Puncture holes along the engraved designs of six tiles and connect them into a cube shape with screws or wire, keeping the top panel removable. Drill a hole in the top panel and attach a light bulb, cable and chain. When you are ready to hang the light, close the top panel and attach the light by its chain to the ceiling.

Coffee Tabletop

Add a layer of mortar to the top of an existing table. Place tiles in a pattern you like, add grout between the tiles and wipe away the excess. Allow the materials to dry for at least 24 hours.


Create a tile headboard in the same way the tabletop was created. Cover an existing headboard with ceiling tiles, mortar and grout. Feel free to extend the tiles so that they overlap the headboard if they fit and look best that way.

Tags: attach light, ceiling tiles, ceiling tiles, panel attach, panel attach light