Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Repair Ceiling Tile

Many people avoid the repair of stained or dirty ceiling tiles. Replacement seems the only answer, and that can be costly. Make the proper inspection and determine if an inexpensive ceiling tile repair can solve the problem. A little work and ingenuity can make your ceiling look new.


1. Fix whatever caused the stain on the ceiling tile before you start the repair. If it is from a water leak, allow the area to dry completely before you put the tile back on the ceiling.

2. Check the tiles for mold if they got wet, and replace moldy tiles.

3. Inspect the tiles for serious water damage. Repair small water spots but replace tiles with extensive damage.

4. Purchase an aerosol stain-sealer ceiling paint at your local paint center. The can shoots upward to make the job easy.

5. Place a drop cloth on the floor. Use the blue masking tape around the ceiling area you're repairing, because it is easy to remove and is less likely to damage the surface than other tapes.

6. Spray one light coat of sealing paint on the tile according to the directions on the can, and allow the paint to dry thoroughly. Apply a second light coat, allow it to dry and repeat the process until the stain is gone.

7. Talk to your paint center representative about top coat paint for ceiling tiles if you notice a big color difference. Use light pressure on the paint roller when you paint the tiles, and use a few thin coats rather than one thick coat.

Tags: ceiling tile, ceiling tiles, light coat, paint center