Thursday, May 16, 2013

Replace Suspended Ceilings

Suspended ceilings hang below the joists or rafters, leaving a space. They are used to hide ductwork, wiring, plumbing and exposed rafters or joists. They consist of a metal grid suspended from the ceiling supports with tiles dropped into the spaces between the grid. These tiles can become discolored or damaged,and they may eventually need replacing. You may also need to repair the grid or replace hanger wires that may have become dislodged.


1. Measure any runners or cross Ts that need replacing before removing the tiles. The tiles add lateral support to the runners, and you will get an accurate measurement this way.

2. Remove the existing tiles by pushing them upward and out of the grid, then turning them almost 90 degrees and slipping them out of the grid hole. Remove all the full tiles in the middle first. If there are custom-cut tiles around the perimeter, remove them last.

3. Write down the sizes and locations of any custom-cut tiles as you remove them.

4. Cut your replacement tiles if necessary to replace any custom-cut tiles.

5. Inspect all hanger wires to make sure they are intact and spaced properly. These wires should be spaced 4 feet apart. Make sure they are hung from the ceiling supports from eye hooks or I-beam hangers and attached through the grip with wire clips. Be sure the wire is wrapped around itself three times after going through the eye or clip.

6. Replace any missing or damaged cross Ts or runners, using the existing grid and your measurements from Step 1 as a guide.

7. Replace the ceiling tiles, starting with the full tiles in the middle and finishing with the custom-cut tiles at the perimeter.

Tags: custom-cut tiles, ceiling supports, from ceiling, from ceiling supports, full tiles