Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Make Nintendo Kirby Costumes

The only color you need to create a Kirby costume is pink.

Aside from the Mario Bros., Kirby is one of the most recognizable Nintendo video game characters. The pink, loveable blob sucks in his enemies and either swallows them or spits them back out. If you are looking for a creative costume for your next costume party or for Halloween, create your own Kirby costume using a giant balloon and paper mache.


1. Suspend an inflated 36-inch balloon from the ceiling using twine. Tie the twine around the tied end of the balloon. Tie the other end of the twine to a ceiling fan or an eyehook. Cover the floor below the balloon with trash bags or newspaper to protect it.

2. Cut or tear pieces of newspaper into 1-by-6-inch strips. Dip the strips, one at a time, into a bowl of liquid starch. Pull the strips through your fingers to wipe away the extra liquid. After removing a strip from the liquid, place it on the surface of the balloon.

3. Cover the entire balloon in wet strips, overlapping them as you go. Allow the strips to dry overnight. Apply a second layer of newspaper strips over the first, in the same manner. Leave the strips to dry overnight, again.

4. Remove the twine from the balloon. Cut the tied end of the balloon off to release the air. If the newspaper sphere left behind feels damp, leave it to dry another 6 to 8 hours.

5. Cut a 12-inch circle in the side of the newspaper sphere around where the balloon had been tied using a utility knife. Discard the cut out. This is the hole for your head. Cut a second hole on the opposite side of the sphere that is 24-inches in diameter. This is the hole for your legs. Remove and discard any balloon remnants from inside the sphere.

6. Cut two more circles in the sides of the sphere for your arms, each 4-inches wide. Position the holes 8 inches up from the bottom hole. Discard the cutouts. This allows you to reach the bottom part of your hands out the holes, but not your entire arm. Kirby has short nubs for arms.

7. Spray the outside of the sphere with pink paint. Allow the paint to dry for 4 to 6 hours.

8. Wear a pink turtleneck, pink shorts and pink gloves. Wear pink panty hose and matching pink shoes. The shoes should be a darker pink than the rest of the clothing.

9. Cover your face in pink face paint.

10. Place the sphere over your head to complete the look.

Tags: hole your, Kirby costume, newspaper sphere, strips overnight, This hole