Thursday, February 23, 2012

Led Track Lights

Track lighting is an alternative to traditional table lamps and ceiling fans to provide a room with the light needed to make it functional. People also use track lighting for space-saving reasons since they typically install track lighting in the ceiling. Originally, track lighting used standard halogen bulbs. Today, homeowners may prefer to use LED track lights instead.

LEDs and Heat

When homeowners use halogen bulbs, the bulbs produce a great amount of heat and release this heat into the environment of the home. Even incandescent lights produce some heat. However, LED lights do not get as hot as either of these other types of bulbs. LED lights can stay on for hours and not become hot to the touch, which is helpful when you have lights on in the house during the summer months. The increased amount of heat could mean your running the air conditioner a lot less.

LED Output

The higher the light wattage, the more energy used for the light to work. An LED light is capable of putting out the same amount of light as a typical halogen light or incandescent light, but uses less energy to produce the same amount of wattage and output. This makes LED lights more energy efficient.

Same Connection

Many homeowners worry that switching their track lighting from halogen lights or incandescent lights to LED lights would cost them a great deal of money. However, such is not the case. You do not need to purchase new track lighting with different connections since most LED lights will screw in to the same connections as a regular halogen bulb.


LED track lights are much more durable then halogen bulbs and incandescent bulbs. Halogen bulbs use filament to work properly. A slight bump to the bulb can cause halogen bulbs to no longer work. However, LED lighting does not contain any filament. This means LED lighting is less sensitive and more durable. You don't have to replace LED track lights as often as halogen bulbs. LED lights can also last much longer than incandescent bulbs.

Tags: halogen bulbs, track lighting, amount heat, bulbs lights, incandescent bulbs, incandescent lights, more durable