Thursday, February 2, 2012

Paint A Ceiling With No Marks

Tools of the project include rollers and brushes.

Painting your ceiling at a time when you're not planning on painting the walls or floor can be tricky. Rollers drip and splatter causing marks, not to mention the occasional mistake of getting the roller too close to a wall and causing marks. Another issue sometimes involved with painting ceilings is missing spots. A few ceiling paints now go on one color and dry to a white finish; this allows you to make sure you've painted every inch of your ceiling without missing a spot.


1. Vacuum any cobwebs, dust or other debris from on and around your ceiling. If there's not much, a dry rag will do. Any debris can cause the paint not to adhere correctly.

2. Apply painters tape to the walls in a 2-inch strip. Make sure you pull the tape taut, straight and flush with the corners of the ceiling and walls. Use your thumb or a ruler if you need to to get out any bubbles in the tape and to get it in the corner.

3. Place drop cloths over your floor; pull them taut so you don't trip in folds or slack. Tape them to the carpet or flooring with painters tape.

4. Set up your ladder in a secure fashion along the wall. Climb the ladder and examine your reach to the corners of the wall. You'll want to be close enough not to overreach on the ladder, but not so close to the walls that you'll be bending over or uncomfortable.

5. Bring your paint can up the ladder with your brush. Dip your brush into the paint can and tap firmly on the inside lip of the can to remove excess paint.

6. Paint a 2-inch wide band around the ceiling where it meets the wall.

7. Screw your roller into the extension pole and roll your roller in the filled paint tray.

8. Start painting from a corner of the ceiling along the short side, getting as close to the walls as possible trying not to touch the tape. (Touching the tape isn't a problem, but continually painting on the tape may result in going over the tape with paint.) Maintain a wet edge from the brushed band around the corners.

9. Use an "N" pattern to paint. When you start at the first corner, do one straight line down the short wall and then follow that with an angled line back the other direction to make an "N." When you've painted the "N," go back and fill the "N" in, from one side of the ceiling to the other.

10. Remove the painters tape while the paint is still slightly wet, seal the paint, take your paint-covered tools to the sink and remove your drop cloths from the floor.

Tags: painters tape, your ceiling, band around, causing marks, close walls, drop cloths, your brush