Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paint A Kitchen Ceiling

Painting the ceiling can update the look of your kitchen.

Choosing a ceiling color to match the decor of your kitchen is a great way to instantly spruce up a room. Most home improvement stores have a large selection of paint colors. Whether your ceiling is flat or has texture, the task of painting a ceiling may seem overwhelming. But don't despair--the task is relatively simple. With a few simple tools and some care, you can instantly change your kitchen's ambience.


1. Place a dropcloth around the area underneath your ceiling. A dropcloth will protect your floors, appliances and anything your ceiling paint may drip on.

2. Fill your bucket with 1 to 2 gallons of paint. If your ceiling is smaller, use a roller tray and pour the paint in the reservoir as needed.

3. Submerge the paint roller with an attached pole into the paint. Roll the paint roller back and forth on the roller grid that’s inside the bucket to prevent the roller from dripping paint. If you are using the roller tray, roll the brush up and down in the roller tray.

4. Paint the ceiling in small sections. Start with one corner and roll your brush diagonally to the opposite corner. Continue to paint the entire area of the ceiling. Replenish the paint roller as needed. Allow the ceiling to dry.

Tags: your ceiling, paint roller, roller tray, your kitchen