Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Clean Commercial Kitchen Ceilings

Cleaning a commerical kitchen ceiling should be done regularly.

The kitchen frequently requires more housekeeping efforts than other rooms in a home or restaurant due to the amount of activity and foot traffic that goes through it. Grease is frequently present in a kitchen in some capacity and it can splatter and stain substances very easily. Likewise, steam from cooking will accumulate on the ceiling of the kitchen and can lead to mold growth and ceiling staining if it is left unchecked. Cleaning a commercial kitchen ceiling is not difficult if it is done diligently on a regular basis.


1. Schedule the cleaning for when the kitchen is not in use so you don't have to maneuver around the kitchen staff.

2. Mix white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle in a half-and-half solution. White vinegar is a very strong natural cleaner that is very effective on grease.

3. Spray the ceiling with the vinegar and water solution and allow it to sit for several minutes.

4. Step up on a step ladder and scrub the ceiling with a scrubbing sponge to remove grease, mold and other deposits. Rinse the sponge frequently to keep it clean and switch it out with a fresh one as necessary for larger commercial ceilings.

5. Dry the ceiling with a towel. The friction of the towel will also help remove any additional dirt.

6. Clean the ceiling every week since a commercial kitchen accumulates grease and water buildup quickly. Ceiling stains are harder to remove the longer they sit on the ceiling surface.

Tags: ceiling with, kitchen ceiling