Monday, October 21, 2013

Repair Ceiling Paint

Repair your ceilings with a fresh coat of paint.

Your ceilings may get damaged for a number of reasons. Leaks in the overhead plumbing, changes to overhead fixtures like ceiling fans or lights and mistakes made while painting the walls will all create the need to repair your ceiling paint. Repairing ceiling paint does not require you to paint the entire ceiling again. If you still have leftovers of the original paint color, you can simply patch the spot that needs repair. If you are buying a brand new color, plan to paint the whole ceiling.


1. Move all of the furniture out of the room or cover it with drop cloths. Cover the floor. Put on goggles, a mask and a hair net to prevent spills and drips on your face and hair.

2. Scrape any loose or peeling paint with a metal scraper. Remove all loose material. Lightly sand the ceiling with medium grit sandpaper.

3. Spray ceiling texture spray onto the spot that has been patched. Choose a texture that matches the existing ceiling texture. Spray the ceiling with a steady back and forth motion, slightly overlapping each pass of the spray can. Apply texture spray until the damaged part of the ceiling matches the rest. If the ceiling was only stained and the texture was not damaged, skip this step.

4. Pour primer into a paint pan. Roll a roller brush through the primer and apply primer to the damaged area. Allow the first coat of primer to dry. Apply additional coats of primer until you can no longer see any stains through the primer. Let the primer dry for four hours.

5. Paint the ceiling with a paint color that matches the existing paint. Paint the entire ceiling if the paint cannot be matched exactly. Paint the corners and any areas close to walls and cabinetry with a trim brush.

6. Paint the center of the room with a long-handled 1/4-inch nap roller. A roller will apply the paint evenly and will cover visible brush marks left from painting the corners of the room. Apply paint in a straight line, working on a 6 foot by 6 foot area at a time. Overlap each pass of the roller slightly. Allow the paint to dry. Apply a second coat.

Tags: ceiling paint, ceiling with, ceiling texture, each pass, entire ceiling, matches existing