Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Install Drywall In A Sloped Ceiling

Drywalling a sloped ceiling is little more difficult than drywalling a regular ceiling.

Drywalling a sloped ceiling can make the ceiling look cleaner and neater. Installing drywall on a sloped ceiling works the same way as a regular ceiling except it takes more drywall to do a sloped ceiling. Installing drywall in a sloped ceiling is a little harder than installing drywall in a regular ceiling. This is why you will need another person to help you.


1. Set up the scaffolding. Measure the ceiling with the tape measure.

2. Lay the first sheet of drywall using the drill, the Philips drill bit and the drywall screws. Have the other person help you. Measure the next piece of drywall and cut it with the carpenter's knife.

3. Stagger the next sheet of drywall. To stagger is to offset the drywall. You do not want the seams running together.

4. Place the drywall tape on the seams. Put one coat of joint compound over the drywall tape using the trowel. Let it dry and do this two more times.

5. Sand the drywall seams where you put the joint compound to get it ready for the primer with the sand paper and the sanding block.

Tags: sloped ceiling, drywall sloped ceiling, regular ceiling, ceiling little, drywall sloped