Thursday, April 11, 2013

Diy Hang Acoustic Sound Panels From The Ceiling

With the advent of computer-based recording software, many people now convert a room in the home into a home recording studio. If you have a small recording studio with simple audio playback monitors, you will not require the use of acoustic sound panels because the sound coming from the speakers will not hit the ceiling. However, if you plan to record guitars by placing a microphone in front of an amplifier, apply acoustic sound panels to the ceiling. Do so as well if you plan to record drums or if you plan to record vocals within the room. Fortunately, acoustical panels are foam tiles that can be glued to the ceiling.


1. Place a line of contractor adhesive around the perimeter on the bottom edge of a 12-by-12-inch or 24-by-24-inch acoustic sound tile and place an X extending from the bottom corners of the tile. This is the process you will use for applying the adhesive to all the tiles.

2. Read the label on the packaging of adhesive. Many adhesives require a curing time before the tile can be placed on the ceiling. This allows the glue time to "tack." After waiting the appropriate time, place the sound tile on one corner of the ceiling.

3. Apply adhesive to the second tile and place it next to the first tile. Butt the tiles end-to-end to ensure there are no gaps. Complete the first row in this manner until you get to the last tile in the row.

4. Measure the space between the last tile and the wall. In many cases, a tile must be cut to fit this space. If the space happens to be 12 inches, apply a full tile and move on to the second row. If it measures less than 12 inches, transfer the measurement to a tile and cut the tile with a pair of scissors. After cutting the tile to size, glue it in place.

5. Repeat the process with all subsequent rows until you complete the entire ceiling.

Tags: acoustic sound, plan record, last tile, recording studio, sound panels, sound tile