Monday, February 24, 2014

Accelerate Hair Growth

Blond long-haired woman

Although there are no proven scientific methods that are guaranteed to accelerate hair growth for everyone, there are several things you can do to help promote the growth of healthy hair.


Shampoo and Condition

1. Keep your hair clean and hydrated. Cleanliness promotes scalp health, and a stimulated scalp encourages healthy hair growth. Keeping your hair hydrated with a good conditioner prevents breaking and damage that won't necessarily prohibit growth, but may require you to get dead-ends trimmed away more frequently.

2. Hair often has a difficult time growing because of how it is maintained. If you are brushing your hair vigorously or yanking through tangles with a vengeance, you risk breaking hair. Keep your hair from breaking by using a wide-tooth comb while hair is damp.

3. Protein rich foods like liver, eggs, fish, yogurt and beans promote hair health and growth because hair is also made from protein.

4. Foods that contain beta-carotene, iron and zinc are all said to encourage healthy hair growth. Iron rich foods include liver, whole grains, eggs and leafy green vegetables. Squash and leafy green vegetables are rich in beta-carotene. Shellfish, bran and nuts like cashews, pine nuts and pecans all contain zinc.

5. If you aren't able to get enough vitamins through the foods you consume in your daily diet, you might want to consider taking vitamin supplements. Supplements like silica, nettle, flaxseed oil, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and sulfur are just a few of the different types that have been said to help increase hair growth for some people

6. Avoiding certain types of foods, like caffeine, carbonated beverages, fat and sugar will also help your hair grow at a natural healthy pace. Cigarette smoking may also slow down your hair's growth.

7. Your hair is a part of you that is always growing, and in order for the body to achieve healthy cell growth you need to get plenty of exercise. Exercise increases blood flow, and blood flow stimulates the scalp.

8. The body also needs time to recuperate, so it is essential for you to get plenty of rest. It is recommended that you get at least 7 hours of quality sleep every night in order to promote healthy hair growth.

Tips Warnings

Keep dead ends trimmed. Keep hair hydrated with a good conditioner. Massage the scalp to stimulate blood flow. Never brush hair while it is wet. Contrary to popular belief, trimming hair doesn't really promote hair growth; however getting rid of dull and split ends will keep hair from breaking so in the long run hair will be healthier and more resilient.

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