Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Diy Ceiling Light Cover For A Wedding

Clear beads can dress up a ceiling light.

If you're planning a wedding and you don't like the look of the existing ceiling lights in your venue, make your own ceiling light covers without blowing your budget. Use tulle or mesh fabric and beads to make light covers that reflect your personality and the theme of your wedding.


Fabric Ceiling Light Cover

1. Measure how far you want the light cover to hang from the ceiling. With a standard light fixture, plan on having the fabric hang down at least 12 inches to keep it a safe distance from the hot light. Triple that length; so, for 12 inches of length, cut a fabric circle at least 36 inches in diameter.

2. Climb the ladder so you can safely reach the ceiling. Lay the edge of the circle, right side against the ceiling, a few inches from the light. Press a thumb tack about 1/2 inch from the fabric's edge. If tacks are hard to push in, try straight pins.

3. Gather the fabric slightly, then press another thumb tack about 2 inches from the first. When the fabric hangs down from the tacks, the tacks should be hidden behind the hanging fabric. Continue gathering and tacking around the light fixture. This creates a bag of sorts that hides the lightbulb and gently diffuses the light for your wedding. Use a color that complements your wedding palette or a neutral white or beige.

4. Use two colors of tulle to bring more drama to the ceiling light. Cut the tulle in two rectangle strips instead of circles. Tack one to the ceiling around the light making a "U" shape. Tack the other color to an open side of the light, then twist the middle around the center of the existing "U." Tack the other end to the final open side of the light. This creates the bag effect for your ceiling light cover.

Beaded Wire Ceiling Light Cover

5. Cut your wire into pieces about 24 inches long, depending on how far you want your light cover to hang down. Fasten one end of each strand to the craft ring, using only half of the ring. Most standard light fixtures will require a craft ring with at least a 7-inch diameter, but you can choose a wider ring to suit your needs.

6. Slide your beads onto the wires until about 1 1/2 inches of wire is left at the bottom. The beads can be clear or colored to match your wedding scheme, although transparent beads are best for this craft. Fasten the wire ends to the other side of the craft ring. This creates a continuous chain of beads that you can hang over your ceiling light.

7. If the venue allows, nail four ceiling anchor hooks around the light fixture so that the hooks match the diameter of your craft ring. If you can't nail hooks into the ceiling, use removable adhesive hooks.

8. Slide the craft ring over the light bulb and onto the hooks. This should hide the light bulb but allow light to shine through the beads.

Tags: craft ring, your wedding, about inches, around light, ceiling light, Ceiling Light Cover