Thursday, April 12, 2012

Install A Kitchen Dome Light

A kitchen dome light provides a more even and widely dispersed illumination than a single bulb in the ceiling. You can install a dome light in the kitchen without having to do extensive rewiring -- just use the existing electrical junction box to which the ceiling light in the kitchen is already attached. A few household tools are all you'll need to complete this project.


1. Remove the fuse or trip the circuit breaker that supplies power to the electric line that runs through the kitchen. Turn on appliances and flip the light switch in the kitchen to verify that there is no electrical power. Turn off the appliances and flip the light switch back to its "Off" position.

2. Place a ladder beneath the light fixture. Unscrew the light fixture cap with your hand. Pull off the light fixture cover. Place them aside. Remove the bulbs from the light fixture bulb sockets -- screwing them counterclockwise until they come loose -- and place them aside.

3. Remove the screws from around the light fixture with the Phillips screwdriver. Pull the light fixture off the ceiling fixture plate. Remove the twist tabs that are screwed on the pairs of wires coming out of the hole in the ceiling fixture plate. Untwist the wires to separate those from the light fixture and the electrical junction box inside the hole. Place the light fixture aside.

4. Wind the exposed end of the black wire from the dome light fixture around the black wire from the electrical junction box. Connect the white wire in the same way.

5. Screw a twist tab on each pair of wires clockwise until you feel a resistance. Screw the dome light fixture into the ceiling fixture plate with the screws taken from the other light fixture, using the Phillips screwdriver. Insert an incandescent bulb or bulbs -- depending on the number of bulb sockets in the fixture -- into the dome light fixture.

6. Place the hole in the center of the dome through the extruding screw at the bottom of the dome light fixture. Screw the dome cap onto the screw clockwise until resistance is felt. Restore electrical power to the kitchen.

Tags: light fixture, dome light fixture, ceiling fixture, ceiling fixture plate, dome light, dome light, electrical junction