Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Repair Textured Ceilings

Use a coarse nap paint roller to apply textured paint for ceiling repairs.

Like any paintwork, textured ceilings can crack or stain over time. The most important factor for a successful textured ceiling repair is to match the new textured paint with the old paint. Consult the original textured paint container or packaging for details. If you no longer have the original textured paint, take a digital photo of the ceiling and take it with you to the hardware store so you can ask for advice from a sales assistant. Textured paints usually come in sand, smooth or coarse, also known as "popcorn." Once you have the correct textured paint, you can achieve an excellent finish with a paint spray gun or paint roller and stippling tool or brush.


1. Remove as much furniture from the room as possible. Cover the floor with a high-quality drop cloth and spread plastic sheet covers over any remaining furniture.

2. Place a sturdy stepladder in the room to help you reach the ceiling.

3. Clean the ceiling of all cobwebs and dust with a dusting cloth. Alternatively use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to vacuum away the dust and dirt.

4. Wipe over the damaged area of the textured ceiling with a clean cloth dampened with water and a little dish detergent. This will remove any grease or ingrained dirt from the ceiling. Wait for the ceiling to dry.

5. Mask any nearby surfaces that might get splattered with paint. Use decorators' masking tape to protect wood trim or walls. This is usually necessary only when the repair is toward the edge of a ceiling.

6. Paint the damaged area with a primer-sealer. Apply this with a 2- to 3-inch regular paintbrush. For water stains, use a stain-inhibiting primer-sealer to prevent the mark from showing through the repair. Wait for the primer-sealer to dry.

7. Paint on the textured paint. Use either a paint roller with a 3/4- to 1-inch thick nap or a paint spray gun. If using a gun, wear protective goggles and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Fill the spray gun cartridge with textured paint and hold about 6 inches to 1 foot away from the ceiling while spraying.

8. Dab and pattern the fresh textured paint with a stippler while it is still wet. Try to match the original pattern of the textured paint as closely as possible.

Tags: textured paint, paint roller, with paint, damaged area, from ceiling, original textured, original textured paint