Thursday, April 19, 2012

Insulate An Exposed Basement Ceiling

Batt roll insulation offers excellent insulating properties.

Unfinished basements usually have exposed ceilings. And if your basement's ceiling doesn't have any insulation, you'll be plagued with cold floors throughout the winter. That's not only uncomfortable, but it's also a real energy waster. Rectifying this problem won't take much time if you've got the proper materials and follow the right plan.


1. Measure the length of the basement ceiling between the first two ceiling joists on either side of the ceiling.

2. Put on a filter mask and work gloves. Unroll your insulation and cut it to the length you measured with a utility knife.

3. Place a step ladder at one end of the ceiling. Push the end of the insulation length up between the ceiling joists, paper side down, and staple the paper edges onto the insides of the joists. Place a staple every few inches on both sides.

4. Move your ladder along the joist, pushing the insulation up and stapling as you go, until you finish the first strip of insulation.

5. Repeat the process with each length of ceiling between the joists until the ceiling is completely covered.

Tags: ceiling between, ceiling joists, insulation length