Friday, April 27, 2012

Western Nursery Decor

Red cowboy hat

Whether you are expecting a little cowboy or cowgirl, decorating your nursery with a western theme is fun, easy and fairly inexpensive. Any style of furniture can be used, but pine or oak works best. Whether you choose a vintage '50s style or a more modern western decor, you child will love growing up with the memories of rodeos and campfires.

Bedding and Fabrics

Decorating is much easier if you first determine which cowpoke bedding suits your room best. Check out Warm Biscuits or Distinctive Nurseries for adorable Wild West-themed bedding. This will set the tone for the remainder of the room. If you prefer to create your own, choose soft denim fabric and decorate with gold sheriff stars, red bandannas, cactus, boots, cowboy hats, black and white cowhide patterns or horses. Any of these themes will enchant your child. Use the same fabric for your window treatments, changing table and diaper holder.

Wall Decorations

Continue with your theme on the nursery's walls. Wall borders are great placed lower on the wall so the child can see them easier as they grow. Paint below the border with chalkboard paint so the child can create their own masterpieces and above the border with a lighter color of paint to keep the room bright and show off the decorative items you will want to hang. Paint a big shiny star on the wall with your child's name under the word "Sheriff." Paint or stick glowing stars on the ceiling as if they were sleeping on a camp site. Design your own wall art with a variety of ranch brands.


Finishing touches are easy now that you have a theme. Continue your western elements by stencil painting or using decals on the ceiling fan, lamps, toy box or bookshelves. You can find small wooden stars, hats or boots to replace the knobs on dresser drawers and closet doors. Be sure to remember the wooden rocking horse; no cowboy's room would be complete without it.

Tags: border with, wall with, with your, your child